In my last blog post I gave some insight as to how everyone can cut the odds of contracting those nasty seasonal viruses. In this posting, let’s chat about some remedies to get you back up on your feet should you unfortunately become the host to a nasty bug. As we all have experienced, the show must go on whether we are feeling well or not.

Let’s look back at some of the great elixirs that I think are still relevant today:

Warm Water And Salt – in my world this is a tried and true remedy for alleviating a sore throat. Mix about a half teaspoon of table salt in a cup of warm water. Proceed to gargle with it and spit it out. This will help relieve the annoying scratch of a sore throat.

Neti pot – I have heard a lot of people say that using a neti pot helps relieve a stuffy head. It works with the same principal as the warm salt gargle, but you irrigate your nasal passages with it. Do a little research to see if it is something you want to do.

Steam – Whenever I have been suffering with a sore throat or stuffy head one of the first things I do is steam myself. If you are lucky enough to live near a community centre or health club that has a steam room it can be so soothing and helpful. If you don’t have a membership to something as swish, boil some water, pour it in a bowl and put a towel over your head while you hover over the steam coming from the water. Be sure to do this before you’ve done your hair and make-up for the gig LOL!

A Neck Poultice – Something my Grandmother used to do was mix up a mustard poultice to put on the chest of her kids to help alleviate cold and flu symptoms. Well, we don’t have to resort to that kind of alchemy anymore. Run out and purchase some Vick’s Vapor Rub, rub it on your chest and under your nasal passages before you go to sleep. It can be so helpful to ease your breathing and keep that dry scratchy throat and nose feeling moist and less painful.

Hot Water, Lemon and Honey (or something stronger) – When a scratchy throat is inhibiting your vocal performance you’ll want to sip on something to ease the scratch and soothe the pain. Having a thermos of hot water, lemon and honey next to your microphone is a nice little beverage to give some temporary relief. Non caffeinated herbal teas, some specifically for sore throats are also a good option. Adding a touch of soothing unpasteurized honey, which has natural healing properties will help soothe the pain. Of course, I’ve also used a wee bit of sipping alcohol in my day (brandy, hot buttered rum, scotch) which will give you some temporary relief and after a couple you won’t care anymore that you have a sore throat LOL.

Warm Garlic Milk – Okay, I’m going to give a disclaimer right here that I have never tried this remedy, but I have an elderly friend who swears by it. Gently heat a cup of milk and at least two cloves of diced up garlic to the milk. Drink it, (then hide yourself away for 12 hours or make everyone around you drink it too). Let me know how it works out for you. AND… don’t share a microphone.

Oil Of Oregano and Cold FX – These are two of the newest natural cures for what “ails ya”. I have used them both and the duration of my virus was a lot shorter than if I had let it run its course without them.

Things to Avoid – I am not a big fan of anything that numbs the throat. Try to stay away from lozenges that will numb the pain. The occasional cough candy is okay, but typically they don’t numb the sensation. Some of my most successful singer friends have had shots of cortisone to relieve pain in their throats while on tour. I have a big problem with this kind of treatment. Some of the same singers have developed serious damage after taking multiple shots of cortisone over the years. Is it really worth it? Cancel or reschedule the damn show. It is my humble opinion that singers should stay away from any remedy where you can’t feel your throat as you might push too hard and really hurt yourself causing permanent damage.

In summary, sleep, steam, wrap, rub, take natural remedies and breathe a lot while singing with a sore throat. Be kind to yourself, do what you can to get over it quickly and next time try to avoid getting sick in the first place.

Until next time… Breathe and Happy Singing!



Original post date: January 28th, 2012

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